Dance is a challenging form of art where you can't go by without a constant source of inspiration. Psychological and physical load is enormous. Achieving anything at all in dance takes long and hard work and years of training.

The most famous dancers and teachers are religiously preaching this to us thousands of times. And that indeed is why, if you decide to take up dancing, then to achieve anything, any status, you should increase the intensity of training and the time spent in the studio.

tired dancer

However, sometimes it so happens that as soon as you start training very hard, after a while, you begin to notice that your body is resisting and that you have to force yourself. You seem to want to dance, but the inspiration is suddenly gone. You are not motivated anymore. For some reason, you don't want to train today. You feel lazy and tired. And if you start to force yourself, you may completely lose interest in dancing. What do you do?

It isn't easy to be an adjective and take any specific actions on this matter. Assuming that you are overall healthy and no other stressful aspects occur in your personal life. This might be just plain burnout. On one hand, as books and TV shows tell us, great artists did what they did from dawn to sunset without any distractions. But, on the other hand, inspiration is a fickle thing and cannot last very long and be predicted. Unsettling, isn't it? 

Try changing your attitude.

 If creativity is a random process, try dancing by following your impulses. For example, go to clubs, competitions, etc., more often. A spontaneous surge of energy, adrenaline, and inspiration occurs at those moments—desire to grab attention.

Define your priorities and small goals

For you to be into something so much that you can devote all of your time to it is not enough to set general goals. For example, "Learning to Dance Well" is excellent but not specific enough. In addition, there must be small and quickly attainable targets. For example, a sister's wedding is approaching, and you want to show off some moves. 

When you are dancing with a group at the studio, you cannot choose the composition song to which you will dance, but there are no such restrictions at home. Your favourite music will stimulate your inspiration and positive vibe. 

A new dance outfit will inspire you. 

As soon as you try it on, we assure you, you will immediately want to dance in it—sometimes it's beneficial to change your image completely.

Watch dance movies and play music more often. 

After some movies about dancing, I personally want to jump off the couch and start dancing. Sometimes this desire lasts for weeks or even longer. Sometimes, hearing your favourite tune may also make you want to dance. Inspiration often comes when you least expect it.

Train with your favourite music 

When you are dancing with a group at the studio, you cannot choose the composition song to which you will dance, but there are no such restrictions at home. Your favourite music will stimulate your inspiration and positive vibe. 

Dance with pleasure.